Contact Rachel:
Rachel McAdams
Director at Large
Rachel has been working in the eDiscovery industry since 2014, in both the UK and internationally. She is an expert in the use of technology to solve complex data issues in the context of eDiscovery, and has worked to promote the use of best-in-class analytics and machine learning alongside robust processes and workflows. She has worked both in industry and within law firms, helping her clients to make use of increasingly sophisticated technologies. Rachel previously served on the board of the Ireland Chapter of ACEDS, and is also a serving member of the board of Women in eDiscovery Dublin. She also works closely with ILTA to create and promote litigation support technology and best practices, and served as a trustee for the EDRM Data Mapping Project. She has spoken at international conferences such as Relativity Fest and ILTACON on the topic of eDiscovery.